School of Medicine
Project Type
Academic & Research
90,000 sq.ft
Kingston, ON
Queen’s University
This 90,000 sq.ft, 4-storey building is the primary teaching facility for the Queen’s School of Medicine.
The project fits unobtrusively behind two historic houses on Barrie Street. It is linked to the adjacent Abramsky Hall with a 4-storey atrium.
The facility includes Patient Simulation Labs, Teaching Labs, and classrooms for Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Anatomy.
Sustainable design features include high performance windows/cladding, durable materials, enhanced daylighting, high-efficiency HVAC, heat recovery, and storm water reclamation. The building is designed to LEED Silver Standard.
The project design and construction was fast-tracked in order to successfully acquire occupancy by September 2013.
Some of the elements of the project include multiple user groups with distinct and changing hours of operation, the ability to offer well-defined boundaries for different user groups, zoning of security and access requirements, a dignified presence, a high visibility location, and daylighting for all areas.
Project was a joint venture with DSAI.